Drew's Blog
My Daily Journal from England - Final Thoughts
I'm fresh off one of the greatest golf tours in my life the Heath & Links Tour of England. For those who tracked my daily journal entries, hopefully you gained some sense of what we were exposed to over those ten days. And for those who did not "“ or simply want to gain a general perspective of the experience, this final journal entry will hopefully inspire.
Sage Advice
For the sake of maybe learning something, reminding us of a worthwhile thought - or just for pure entertainment, I have gathered a small collection of some of my favorite noteworthy thoughts for your reading pleasure.
10 Simple Thoughts on How to Promote "Fun" Golf
It seems that golf is at least somewhat inherently fun for most of us, right? Maybe because of the challenge it present - man against golf course. Perhaps it is the camaraderie one can enjoy with friends. For some it might be the competitive encounters.
Back Again to Bandon
Surely by now the word is out.there is a world class golf resort on the coast of southern Oregon. It's called Bandon Dunes. There are four 18-hole courses on the property and they're all ranked among the Top 100 in the US.
Why is Golf Fun?
I'm not attempting to be trite here! The subject of "fun" has become a trendy topic of late and, in all seriousness, fun is something that has frankly been overlooked in our fine game for some time. Not because of lack of interest, but because the game became perhaps a bit too serious on the business front.
Just a Game
This afternoon, I watched from our deck as my 8 year old son marched through the backyard lugging over his shoulder a bag of mismatched golf clubs, an oversized glove on the wrong hand and a fist full of bright colored pin flags. I slumped in my chair so I could watch his event unfold without distracting him.